Thursday, March 24, 2011


FSNA Meeting Notes – March 21, 2011
Notes by Margaret Schaeffer

A big Thank You to Jeremy and Cindy Emmet for hosting our March Meeting.

And to Chuck Sherman for moderating the meeting.

Our first speaker at our March meeting was Jim Young, Manager of the Key West Code Compliance Department. Jim explained that the City of Key West Code Compliance Department has the responsibility of investigating complaints and ensuring compliance with the City Code of Ordinances, building standards, zoning issues and licensing regulations.

His main discussion at our meeting was the Sound Control Ordinance. He clarified that construction can occur every day of the week, 8 am – 5 pm, including Sunday, and that the only limitation is that on Sunday only hand-held tools, such as lawn mowers, leaf blowers, etc, can be used (large construction equipment cannot be used). He also explained that the department must receive a complaint from a citizen or the City Manager before they can act. Once they get the complaint they can issue a citation, and there is a hearing before a magistrate, who decides on the validity of the infraction and the penalty to be charged. However, the department does try for conciliation before they issue citations – they try to have neighbors work things out with each other.

When asked about Special Events he explained that groups apply for a one-time permit that exempts them from the normal noise ordinance rules (like the recent Conch Fest in Bayview Park). He also said he is asking his officers to spend more time out on the streets to look for problems such as graffiti.

Finally he said if you have a problem call 809-1000 for the police or 809-3740 for the Code Compliance Department (Inspectors work until 10 pm Wednesday – Sunday). You can also contact Jim via email at

The second speaker was our City Commissioner, Clayton Lopez.
Clayton opened the floor to questions and concerns.

- The Bicycle Tour Company that is abusive to residents was mentioned. He said he would check on whether the owner had a tour operator’s license.

- The City Pool being closed on April 1 was a concern. Clayton said this was an important priority for him and they hoped to have all the work done by June. The constraint was the budgeted money that had to be used by the end of October, forcing them to start work as soon as possible.

- He told us to email him at on any quality of life issues before they evolved into real problems.

Our third speaker was Phil Schaeffer who gave us an update on the proposed Friends of the Cemetery. He said the group would be part of the Historic Florida Keys Foundation and work under their auspices. The purpose of the Friends group would be to educate visitors, provide conservation, restoration and financial assistance, monitor problem areas, and engage in beautification efforts.

We would work with the City Manager and the Sexton to set clear ground rules and we would not be a contentious organization. Volunteers will be needed for an array of activities and recruitment will commence once the ground rules are set as a part of our discussions with the City staff.

The next official Meeting of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association will be on Monday, May 9th at 5:30pm.

We need a host home for this meeting.

Please contact Jan Oostdijk Rutgers at if you are willing to host this meeting on May 9th.

Margaret Schaeffer
for the Frances Street Neighborhood Association

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