Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Grinnell Street Pocket Park Clean Up A Success

On Sunday, October 25, 2009, over 12 neighbors came together to do a major clean up at the Grinnell Street Pocket Park (Grinnell Street and Angela Street) . They were joined by Cynthia Domenech-Coogle, Landscape Coordinator for the City of Key West and Rudy Molinet, Chairperson of the Key West Tree Commission.

We had a great time and in a few hours managed to trim all the trees to encourage further growth and fruit production and removed all the invasive vines that were choking many of the trees.

In the next few weeks, we will mulch the beds courtesy of donated natural mulch from the city.

Thanks to all who worked so hard to make our neighborhood park shine in time for season!

If you want more information on our historic district, check out this link on my website about Key West Architecture. I think you will enjoy it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Harris School Available for Lease!

Now that the lot has been cleaned up it is on the market. Anyone want a school?


At the last meeting, a question was raised about the weeds and generally trashy look of the Harris School on Southard Street since it was sold. Jim Young from Code Compliance said he would call the new owner: Here is a copy of the email I received from Jim the next day:


I spoke with the property owner of Harris School and he advised he would have the weeds cut and the lot cleaned up.

Jim Young

The next day, Jim (McCulloch) and I walked by the school, and there were people out there cleaning up the lot! Great news, and fantastic reactions from both Jim Young on behalf of the city, and the new owner.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Frances Street Neighborhood Association - Meeting: Monday, October 19, 2009

Dear Neighbors:

The next meeting of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association will be held Monday, October 19, 2009 at the home of Lynn Sherman – 706 Ashe Street. We will begin at 5:30, so please arrive a few minutes early to get a drink and settle in.

We have invited the new Mayor – Craig Cates, as well as our “new” commissioners – Jimmy Weekley for District 1 and Clayton Lopez for District 6. Also, we have invited Chief Donnie Lee for a discussion of safety in our neighborhoods and what we can do to help the Police Department and ourselves.

If anyone has any additional issues they would like to address, please let me know and we can add them to the agenda as time permits.

See you Monday, and please, bring a neighbor!
