Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Cemetery Success Story - Sacramento Historic City Cemetery

Margaret and I spent Thanksgiving with friends in Sacramento, CA and while there we visited the Historic Cemetery that Christine Russell told us about at our last meeting.

What a beautiful community resource - three wide open entrances; dogs allowed on leash; bicycles transversing the cemetery; benches, bike racks,and even picnic tables for visitors. A "Friends of the Cemetery" group with over 100 members with a mission statement:

To join hands with the community to restore, beautify, preserve and protect the Historic City Cemetery, while maintaining access by descendants of the deceased, and to provide educational services to all visitors to the Historic City Cemetery of Sacramento.

I urge everyone to visit their website and download the City's very thorough Master Plan as well as their governing City Ordinance.

You will also enjoy reading their Newsletter - "Epitaph"

We can do this too!!



California Native Plant Society Project

Bicycles Encouraged!

Visitors are Encouraged! Including a Jungle Gym for the kids!!

It is Even a Place For Dogs!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Meeting Notes of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association

November 15, 2010
Notes by Margaret Schaeffer

A big Thank You to Lynn Sherman for hosting our first meeting of the year!

And to Jon Allen who took on the major responsibility of moderating the meeting!!

There were a number of topics discussed at this meeting:

Duck Tours – Jimmy Weekley told the group that the City was forced to allow the Duck Tours to operate because of the past lawsuit the City had with them. At this time their route includes Southard Street from White Street all the way down to to the Truman Waterfront. Jimmy is hoping to make some changes to this route; perhaps entry on Simonton or for them to go down Eaton Street, but nothing is set yet. Also, if they do not begin operation at a reasonable time set by the Commission they could lose the franchise.

Parking – Jimmy Weekley and John Wilkins are working on parking issues in Old Town. Jimmy is striving for the residents of Old Town to have a parking place when they come home. They are considering a Permit System with a yearly sticker that the Parking Patrol would be able to see to ascertain your right to park. The Citizen newspaper indicated they would probably have to issue permits to all residents, and even those outside of Key West, at different fees.

Bicycle Master Plan - Diane Nicklaus, city staff coordinator for the Bicycle Action Advisory Committee discussed the City’s plans for the Bicycle Community. She said their plan was Education, Enforcement, Encouragement and Engineering. They will have more racks on taxis and buses, will add more bicycle racks around town, and will work with local companies to have franchises at the Ferry Terminal and the Cruise Ship piers. They also plan on adding a new route from the White Street Pier to the Truman Waterfront and revamping the existing Southard and Fleming Street routes.

Angela Street – Clayton Lopez said the one-way change on Angela Street seems to be working. The City removed half of the bumper strips to allow for handicapped accessibility and plan on replacing these with Rumble strips, which are safer for motor vehicles.

Frances Street Cemetery Gate – First Jimmy Weekley told the group that in 1996 a bicycle route from Windsor Lane to Frances Street, through the Cemetery, was dedicated, but never created. He is going to bring this before the Commission to see if this will force the Frances Street Gate to be opened.

Jim Scholl said many problems have been solved since the Frances Street Gate was closed and that the City Ordinance on the route through the Cemetery overrides any Resolution Jimmy Weekley has made or will make in the future. They would have to change the legislation to allow for the gate to be opened.

Helen and Ben Harrison and Christine Russell made a presentation on their research on opening the Frances Street Gate. They stressed how much the Cemetery means to residents and tourists alike, and that the Sexton’s job description did not allow for making this decision. They also stated that as a paid official he had no right to send out emails to the “Conch Network” soliciting their support to close the Frances Street Gate. They recommend opening the Frances Street Gate for one-year trial run period. They would start a Friends of the Key West Cemetery that would conduct Cemetery Watches and report any problems to the police and have signage at the gates to indicate the rules and punishments for disobeying these rules.

They also described an example of a another cemetery group, Friends of the Old Sacramento City Cemetery, which has established a wonderful program revolving around the history and importance of their City Cemetery. Please visit their website at

The next Meeting of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association will be on Monday, December 27 at 5:30pm at the home of John Padget and Jacob Dekker at 611 Frances Street.

Friday, November 5, 2010


On Wednesday, November 10th, Commissioner Jimmy Weekley will hold a meeting to discuss residential parking issues in the Old Town area. The public meeting will be held at 6:00pm at Old City Hall on the corner of Greene and Ann Streets.

FSNA November 15, 2010 Meeting Notice

Dear Frances Street Neighbors -

Our first meeting of the 2010 - 2011 season will be at Lynn Sherman's home, 706 Ashe Street, at 5:30 pm on Monday, November 15th.

We will have brief discussions on the following topics:

- Diane Nicklaus, city staff coordinator for the Bicycle Action Advisory Committee, will discuss the latest Bicycle plans

- Commissioner Jimmy Weekley will discuss the tour vehicle policy, including the new Ducks Tour

- City Manager Jim Scholl will address the cemetery gate issue.
Ben Harrison will bring up local concerns on this gate closure.

See you November 15th.

Margaret Schaeffer
for the Frances Street Neighborhood Association

An Update From The Frances Street Neighborhood Association Steering Committee

Frances Street Neighborhood Association Steering Committee

October 19, 2010

Dear Frances Street Neighborhood Members:

Our neighborhood association remains as informal as ever, but several members got together over the summer to set dates and sketch out plans for the coming year (at least Fall through Spring).

Before the details for next year, however, our deep appreciation to MaryBeth McCulloch for her fabulous work in organizing and guiding our meetings over the past two years. Great work MaryBeth, and many thanks from your neighbors.

Dates: Dates for meetings are as usual on Mondays at 5:30: Nov. 15, Dec. 27, Jan. 24, Feb. 28, March 21, April 25, May 23. Lynn Sherman has once again generously offered to host the November 15 meeting as has John Padget for the December 27 meeting. More on these meetings later.

Hosts and Co-Hosts: Those willing to host a meeting as well as those who cannot host but would like to co-host by buying drink and snacks for one of our meetings, please contact Pauline Sherman or Jan Koos Oostdijk. They will serve as the contacts for hosts/co-hosts in order to provide updated information about the upcoming event and field questions they may have.

Moderator: Rather than one person being responsible to moderate all meetings, we will ask others to volunteer for this responsibility. Please contact Jan if you are interested.

Other Responsibilities: Jane Vetter has agreed to remain as treasurer, Phil and Margaret Schaeffer will update the blog and send and receive email on behalf of FSNA. Jane, Phil and Perry will take responsibility for our meeting topics and contacting guest presenters. Anyone with ideas about meeting topics is welcome to contact any of those members.

Please do take note of the meeting dates and join your neighbors in discussing neighborhood issues. If you have comments or questions or if you wish to be removed from the mailing list, you may contact the appropriate person directly or through Margaret and Phil.

For those who are in town, see you in the neighborhood! For those out of town, we look very much forward to your return home.

Contact Info:

Perry Johnston   293-8075

Jan Koos Oostdijk    509-9243

Phil Schaeffer   587-6909

Margaret Schaeffer   294-7825

Jane Vetter   296-3703

Pauline Sherman   433-1008

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fantasy Fest Locals Parade Will Wind Down Frances Street

Every year, we look forward to the locals parade that comes from the cemetery down Frances Street to Fleming and turns towards Duval.
Thousands of folks walk down the street sporting fun costumes and having a good time. For several years, we have put our garbage can out in front of our house so that the trash does not end up on our street.

Please help the effort by putting your garbage can out in front of your house near the curb or in your driveway with the lid open.

The parade takes place at 5pm on Friday, October 29, 2010.


Rudy Molinet and Harry Hoehn

If you would like to see more information about fantasy fest, please view our Key West events link on our website, or you can click on

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Since my last post, the person I know who came down with a serious case of dengue fever learned two things that readers might want to know:

1) She was told by a Monroe County Health Department nurse that this was most certainly the second variety (or strain-- there are four) of dengue fever to which she'd been exposed; otherwise she, too, probably woould have been asymptomatic like most of her fellow Key West "victims;"

2) She was told by Dr. Whiteside that she in fact IS immune from the one or two varieties to which she's been exposed; however, she has to be careful about where she travels from now on because if she is exposed to one of the varieties that she hasn't yet had it could kill her.

Friends, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dengue Fever update

The TDC meeting last week in Key Largo included an update on dengue fever in Key West from the Monroe County Health Department. Included were some interesting points which I'll share in no particular order.

The incubation period for DF is about a week. You are only contagious (ie able to pass the virus on to another mosquito) from the moment of the original bite until your fever is gone. Which means (happily) that the hundreds of folks who test positive for having had contact with the virus are no longer contagious.

There have been two outbreaks of DF in the United States in recent times; 1980 in the Rio Grande valley, and 2001 in Hawaii. Both outbreaks were eventually stopped by eradication of the mosquito populations.

There is no treatment for DF. Hydration, acetominophen (Tylenol) and rest are recommended.
There are four types of DF. We have type 1 in Key West. You can only get each type once.
Many people have asymptomatic cases of DF, or relatively mild symptoms which might be confused with the flu.

Their recommedation for avoiding the disease to to spray yourself with a repellant that contains DEET.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dengue fever

Can someone in the know please bring readers up to date on dengue fever in Key West? One of the recent articles i read in the Citizen said that a few people in old town had exhibited dengue-like symptoms this spring. Maybe the paper doesn't want to scare tourists away by saying that some folks actually have been diagnosed with "the fever," but in fact they have. And i know that at least one of them had not traveled anywhere outside of the keys where she might have contracted it.
Thanks in advance for any edification...

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Rotary Club of Key West Fireworks Needs Your Donations

Dear Neighbors:

Since 1976 The Rotary Club of Key West has sponsored the Key West 4th of July Fireworks display. We receive no city funding and rely on community support to raise the $30,000 it costs for this production. We would appreciate any donations you can provide.

Please join us at the White Street Pier to view the fireworks for free. There are different levels of donations from $50 to $5000. Every single dollar raised goes directly to this cause.

You can download the donation form by clicking on:'10%20(1).pdf

Warm Regards,

Rudy Molinet
The Rotary Club of Key West

Friday, June 11, 2010

Angela Street Near Cemetery Gets New Direction

Here is a notice from the City of Key West. Drive safely!

General Services
Public Facilities/ADA Coordinator
P.O.Box 1409, Key West, FL 33040

June 9, 2010


In an effort to provide for a better flow of traffic surrounding the cemetery, and a more safe traffic pattern at the intersection of Frances and Angela Streets, the City has decided to reverse the one way direction of Angela Street. Effective Monday, June 14, 2010, Angela Street from Frances Street to Margaret Street will become one way traveling to the west. Olivia Street will remain unchanged and will continue one way going east.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 809-3951. Thank you for your patience in this adjustment period that will follow.

Diane Nicklaus
Public Facilities/ADA Coordinator

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Effort Mounted to Save Wisteria Island

Time is urgent. We need to have at least some of the June meetings moved to Key West. As a practical matter, the die may be cast in these actions this month.

Learn more about this issue here:

Nils Muench
700 Margaret Street
Key West, Florida 33040

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Key West Parking Ordinance Changes to Address Waste Issues

Our January 18th meeting considered a draft ordinance that would prohibit storing and disposing of "any manner of waste" in a vehicle on the public right of way "unless such vehicle is being actively loaded for immediate hauling." Fifty-eight residents signed a petition supporting it, and it was sponsored by Commissioner Jimmy Weekley. City Attorney Shawn Smith retained the key provision, divided the ordinance in two -- one for waste and one for parking -- and provided fair and effective penalties that will encourage compliance and facilitate enforcement.

On June 1st the City Commission by a vote of 7 to 0 enacted the ordinances. The ordinances became enforceable when the City Clerk posted their enacted versions at
and at

Any neighbor who observes a violation of these ordinances may report it to Code Compliance, either at 809-3740 or through the Citizen Request Action Line (which is anonymous if you wish):

Karl Haffenreffer
525 Frances Street

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Truman Waterfront Park- A Jewel In The Making

Commissioner Jimmy Weekley will be hosting a public meeting to inform us about the plans for the Truman Waterfront.

There will be a presentation from the developers who have been awarded the contract to develop this now barren piece of surplus navy land. The Truman Waterfront is a beautiful parcel of land and I hope our neighborhood comes out in force to learn about this very important project.

The meeting will be held at Old City Hall on Greene Street, Wednesday, March 31, 2010at 6:00pm. Everyone is invited!

Check out this website for more information on the project:

Friday, March 12, 2010

Disney-style Landscaping in Old Town

Is anyone else concerned about what seems to be the impending invasive spread of the artificial Flexipave material into the residential areas of the important Key West Historical Area.

This material, now widely used on Duval Street, certainly has a value in high traffic areas such as the Duval corridor but seems terribly inconsistent with the HARC guidelines for the maintenance of historic accuracy. Homeowners need to comply to very high standards to retain the character of the historic district and it seems like this Flexipave material is being installed without any review at all unless I missed something.

I know that it is being installed in the name of "safety" but other changes to the nature of the historic district while proposed for seemingly "good" reasons like the white roofs are still subject to HARC review and evaluation. The design and placement of these elements should respond to the historic and architectural character of the district.

I really despair of seeing our neighborhood streets turned into walkways that Disney would be proud of!

A real part of our historic street character is seen it the care and maintenance of the sidewalk tree islands such as has been done so elegantly in many places along Frances Street. And even the somewhat scruffy, unkempt places with their assemblages of grass and flowering weeds and just plain dirt are also an integral part of the character of the streets for each neighborhood in the district. I believe that it would be very unfortunate to see this pervasive use of such an obvious artificial material dominating the streetscapes of our beautiful historic district.

I can understand the safety issues on Duval and perhaps adjacent to high use areas such as restaurants in the Historic District, as has been done at Cafe Sole on Frances and Southard, but to spread this material and contaminate the remainder of the historic district appears to be against the goals of HARC.

I will send my comments and concerns to HARC to see if they will respond but meanwhile I would like to hear any of your thoughts as well.

Phil Schaeffer

Saturday, February 27, 2010

FSNA February Meeting Report

Our February meeting was hosted by Jan Koos Oostdijk and George Rutgers-Oostdijk at their beautiful new Interior Design Studio. George also supplied us with some images from this very well attended meeting.

FSNA February Meeting Report

Dr. Mark Whiteside, an infectious disease specialist, opened the meeting with a discussion on Dengue Fever. He addressed the critical need for everyone to police their own homes and neighborhoods for standing water. He suggested that people should call Mosquito Control for any issues that are observed that could lead to proliferation of mosquitoes. Here is a link to the Dengue Fever Information Flyer.

Officer Steve Torrence of the KWPD said that 2 arrests have been made (both related to burglaries) in this neighborhood in the last month. It was pointed out that another prime burglary suspect has not yet been apprehended and that vigilance is still important. Anyone observing suspicious people or behavior should call the KWPD at 809-1111.
He also told us that he had met with bar owners on lower Duval and pressured them to pick up more security. He also explained that more security would come in the form of off-duty police officers (paid for by the owners).
He also notified us that the police department was starting both a twitter page and a Facebook page.

John Wilkins (the city's new parking manager) joined us to explain his position at the city and the challenges facing the community in terms of parking and traffic.
He told us that many of the departments that had previously been operating separately from each other were now overseen by his department. This included the city parking lots, meter enforcement, etc.
He spoke at length about residential parking permits and different options that the city is reviewing going forward. He explained that simple changes (such as allowing people with vanity plates to be able to apply for a Residential Parking Pass) were being corrected by his department. The possibility of a bike path on Eaton Street was discussed as well as the deferential pricing when it came to getting Residential Parking Passes. We closed out the meeting talking about a parking summit to be held by the city in the next few months where the public would be able to give input to city wide changes.

Meeting notes thanks to Quincy Perkins.

Images of the Meeting

Dr. Mark Whiteside

John Wilkins

City Councilman Jimmy Weekley

Officer Steve Torrance, KWPD Community Affairs

Thursday, February 11, 2010

recently, I was awakened (as i often am) by the cockophony (pun intended) of the multitude of roosters residing in the cemetery, and wondered what could be done about it. it is essential to keep the numbers of chickens in the cemetery as low as possible (or better yet, nil) because i think it is from there that they spill out into the surrounding streets. you may recall that a number of years ago the city hired the guy who ran a clip joint on fleming street (the old town barber shop) to catch them, but in the end all he wanted to do was sell t-shirts online.

so i wrote to commissioner lopez with a suggestion:


i live right next to the cemetery on grinnell st (on the 5 brothers side), and i am painfully aware of how many more chickens there are in the cemetery now than ever before. (to be honest, everyone i talk with feels that there are way more chickens throughout old town than ever, and i agree.)

i have a suggestion/request: could catching chickens in the cemetery be a part of the sexton's job? he and his assistants could get traps from the wildlife rescue center (next to the bocce courts near higgs beach), bait them and catch the chickens. the wildlife rescue center would gladly receive the trapped chickens and transport them to the mainland as they get the minimum number to justify the trip.

i know the tourists love the chickens, but for the most part we residents don't; yet again, the tourists come first and we residents get the short end of the stick.

i'd love to hear your opinion on this idea.


rob sprogell


[the commissioner's reply]

Mr. Sprogell,

I have nothing to add, as my opinion is EXACTLY the same as yours. I am including the City Manager in on my response to your email as a directive for action. I think your suggestion is a good one. For the benefit of the Sexton and his staff, I want to be clear that I am not asking them to engage in running around after or collecting chickens. However, your traps idea is an excellent one. Let's see how it works!

Thanks for your suggestion!



i believe that it would be helpful if others contacted commissioner lopez (and jimmy weekly, too) and asked that this plan be implemented. if you don't already know, their email addresses are as follows:

thanks for any encouragement FSNA members can provide to these commissioners,

rob sprogell

Friday, January 22, 2010

Frances or Francis Street?

By Mary & Karl Haffenreffer

Locals often joke that the longest street in Key West is Duval Street because it runs between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. For me the longest distance traveled has been between Frances and Fleming Streets. Last month, after writing a brief history of Frances Street, I turned into Fleming and thus began, with Karl, a journey of detours, dead ends, and unexpected discoveries as we leafed through a thicket of historical documents.

Much of Key West’s written history is based on Walter C. Maloney’s A Sketch of the History of Key West, Florida (1876). Maloney arrived here shortly after the departure of William A. Whitehead, who in 1829 pencil-sketched the early settlement and surveyed the island, laying out and naming its streets. The raging fire of 1886 destroyed the first City Hall where the earliest documents were kept. Thus we do not know upon what evidence Maloney based his statement on p. 81 that “Frances” Street was named “after a daughter of Mr. Fleeming.” John W. C. Fleeming was a friend and business partner of John Simonton and John Whitehead. After his death Fleeming’s surname mutated to “Fleming”. Maloney’s undocumented sourcing of our street’s name has been quoted and relied upon by historians and writers for 134 years.

Then in 1966 Colin G. Jameson [“What’s in a Street Name?”, Martello, No. 3 (1966), reprinted in Florida Keys Sea Heritage Journal (Summer 1998)], citing no evidence, stated that “Francis Street” was named after a gentleman whose surname was so cacophonous that it never achieved street-sign status. This was Francis Rotch, a merchant from New Bedford. … Rotch’s stepson (and husband of his niece) was W. C. Fleming [sic], English-born, a prime developer of Key West. Rotch’s given name was reasonable enough, and it now decorates our Francis Street, bravely resisting repeated attempts to feminize it.

Named after Francis Rotch? Francis was an unsuccessful whaler and hapless inventor whose innovations included “sundry kinds of fly traps,” a whaling gun “not fired” on its only test voyage, and “two-hulled boats with a canal in the middle.” However, he played a significant part in American Revolutionary history at the Boston Tea Party of 1773, where he represented his family’s ships, the Dartmouth and the Beaver, laden with the East India Company’s cargo of precious tea.

In The Rotches (1947), John M. Bullard gives this account of Francis’s role:
On the arrival of the Dartmouth feeling ran so high that the consignees and the British Governor found it necessary to retire to the fortifications known as “the Castle. It fell to the lot of Francis Rotch to go back and forth between the two factions, in neither of which he was particularly interested. His entire energy was devoted to endeavoring to save his vessels, a far from easy task. … This affair was a very troublesome one for a young man of twenty-three to manage, as there was a tremendous pressure brought to bear upon him by Samuel Adams and other influential patriots, to return the teas to England. … Rotch pleaded that a compliance [with the Patriots’ demand] would ruin him, and as he could not obtain [a clearance from the Collector of Customs, and, thus] a pass [from the Governor] for his ships, they would either have been sunk by the British batteries, or captured and confiscated under the revenue laws.

No agreement could be reached and tempers broke loose. The Patriots, disguised as Mohawk Indians, “gave the War-Whoop,” boarded the ships, and dumped the tea into the drink. [The Boston Evening-Post, December 20, 1773.] However, Francis escaped the impasse with no financial loss, his family’s ships intact, no person harmed, and little personal criticism. It was said that over the long twenty days of negotiations he conducted himself with “dignity and ability.” [Bullard, pp. 45-50, 53, 62-69.] Francis Rotch died in New Bedford in 1822, the very year that Fleeming arrived in Key West, bought a quarter share of the island, and left for New Bedford.

The first available street map of Key West is a copy, not the original, of Whitehead’s 1829 survey. There our street is named “Frances,” as it is on the “Bird’s Eye View” of 1884, and as it is today. Yet in 1966, according to Jameson, the street signs said “Francis”, and so it is spelled in “The Street Map to the Lower Keys … used by Law Enforcement and Emergency Personnel” (1975).

Did Fleeming ask that a street be named after his late stepfather? If so, did Whitehead’s pen alter “Francis” to “Frances”? Or did the distance between author and printer occasion a typographical error? In all our research we have not found the names “Frances” or “Francis” attached to any other relative of Key West’s four Founding Fathers. One thing is certain: the street is not named “after a daughter of Mr. Fleeming”. According to Bullard, p. 412, Fleeming sired just one child. Her name was Caroline.

Neighborhood Watch

On Thursday, January 22d, a number of members of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association and other unaffiliated neighbors met at the Colliers home on Fleming Street to discuss the exceptional number of invasive home burglaries that continue to plague our neighborhood. At this meeting, attended by Key West police officers Lt. J.R. Torres and Officer Steve Torrence, we were given a very complete update on the circumstances of what is going on in the neighborhood as well as a glimmer of hope that our police department will solve this fairly soon.

As a part of the officer's presentation it was suggested that we start a "Neighborhood Watch" for our part of Old Town. I would like to ask that we consider formally establishing such a program for our extended neighborhood. Please comment here if you have any thoughts or interest in that subject. This isn't something that is scheduled for discussion at our next meeting but is something that I hope folks will volunteer for. We will have a separate meeting to look at this possible program and how it might be structured to see if we can add another level of safety to our neighborhood and bring a quick end to this current spate of burglaries.

Phil Schaeffer

Thursday, January 21, 2010

February 22, 2010 - Frances Street Neighborhood Association Meeting

Hello Everyone!

The next meeting of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association will be on Monday – February 22d at 5:30pm. We will be guests of Jan and George Oostdijk-Rutgers at their beautiful new interior design studio at 600 Frances Street (site of the old Haitian Art Co.).
Hello Everyone!

The next meeting of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association will be on Monday – February 22d at 5:30pm. We will meet at Jane and Tom Vetter’s house – 624 Frances Street.

If you have any issues you wish to discuss during this meeting, please let me know – we are also hoping to have a representative from the City there regarding the new City View Trolley service.

See you then, and bring a neighbor!

MaryBeth McCulloch

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Frances Street Neighborhood Association - Meeting: Monday, January 18, 2010

Hello Everyone!

The next meeting of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association will be next Monday – January 18th at 5:30pm. We will meet at Jane and Tom Vetter’s house – 624 Frances Street.

If you have any issues you wish to discuss during this meeting, please let me know – we are also hoping to have a representative from the City there regarding the new City View Trolley service.

See you then, and bring a neighbor!

MaryBeth McCulloch

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Important Reminders to Start Our New Year!

Happy New Year to Everyone!

The City Commission will meet on Tuesday, January 5th at 6pm in Old City Hall. The second reading of the CityView Trolley Franchise agreement is on the agenda. If you have strong feelings regarding this issue, contact your Mayor and City Commissioners or make plans to attend the meeting. The agenda does not look too terribly overcrowded, and this issue is scheduled early on after the resolutions. You can review the proposed franchise agreement at this link: The links for the mayor and city commissioners are at the end of this email.

There is also a very interesting article by Mary Haffenreffer below – with a link to pictures of many of our homes from the 60’s.

Phil Schaeffer has also locked in our association web name and domain ( – this will also direct you right to the blog and make it easier to tell your friends and neighbors how to reach it online.

Finally, a reminder that the Police Department is having a crime prevention seminar on January 7th at 6pm in the Police Department’s Emergency Operations Center - it is free and open to the public – the link for information is The EOC is somewhat restricted as far as space so please RSVP by calling Officer Steve
Torrence at 809-1007.

MaryBeth McCulloch

City Commissioner's email addresses:

Commissioner Jimmy Weekley:
Commissioner Mark Rossi:
Commissioner Billy Wardlow:
Commissioner Barry Gibson:
Commissioner Terry Johnston:
Commissioner Clayton Lopez:
Mayor Craig Cates: