Sunday, January 30, 2011


On Tuesday, January 25th at 11:00pm while Liz Lumb was checking to insure that her back door of her home on Frances Street was locked. She turned around and looked into her dining area and saw an intruder inside her house. She quickly stepped out into her back yard with her phone and called 911. The police responded immediately with eight cars surrounding her house however the intruder had escaped.

Fortunately Liz was not physically harmed during this incident and nothing was taken. Liz did relate that a month or so earlier her neighbor on Angela Street had a similar experience with an intruder in her house while she was at home.

These are very serious incidents and we will ask Chief Lee to come to our next meeting to bring us up to date on this story.

Meanwhile take heed from this and please be sure that your doors are locked at night, even if you are up and about and in the house!

FSNA Meeting Notes – January 24, 2011

Notes by Margaret Schaeffer

A big Thank You to Dick and Norma Klein for hosting our January Meeting, rain and all!

And to Chuck Sherman for moderating the meeting!!

Dianna Sutton, President and CEO of the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys, discussed the role of the Foundation in the Florida Keys Community. Its primary role is to insure the continuous viability of charities in the Florida Keys. It assists 251 non-profits in the Arts, Education, Environment, and Social Welfare to enhance the quality of life in the Keys and to preserve this unique and magical place.

The Foundation is a local organization dedicated to the local community. It helps non-profits build endowments; provides personalized service to assist you with your philanthropic goals through numerous Donor Funds; handles the financial management and administration to maximize your charitable donation; offers tax advantages; and pools donations to maximize the impact of gifts. It encourages volunteerism in the community by recognizing a nominated individual from each of the Keys Charitable Organizations at a yearly Luncheon (there were 330 Volunteers recognized this year).

John Padget mentioned that if you are 70 years old in 2011, with an IRA maturing, you could get a tax deduction by donating to a Foundation like the Community Foundation. For a tax credit for 2010 you can make your donation up to January 31, 2011.

Our second speaker, Police Chief Donie Lee, had to cancel as he went to Miami to attend the funeral of the two police officers killed in the line of duty last week. We hope to reschedule him for our next meeting.

As there was extra time Chuck Sherman asked the members what topics they would like discussed at future meetings.

Suggested Topics were:
  • Parking – meters, towing, etc
  • Duck Tours
  • Blowers vs. brooms (problem has arisen again)
  • Wisteria Island
  • Cruise Ship Channel Dredging
  • Strategic Planning Committee Report

Also noted was that the Key West City Commission Meeting of February 15 will discuss opening the Frances Street Cemetery Gate based on an ordinance to be introduced by Commissioner Jimmy Weekley. Jimmy Weekley proposes leaving the gate open except for two hours before and after a Funeral.

The next Meeting of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association will be hosted by Jan Oostdijk-Rutgers and George Rutgers-Oostdijk, at JANGEORGe InteriorDesign, 600 Frances Street, on Monday, February 28th at 5:30pm.

Margaret Schaeffer
for the Frances Street Neighborhood Association

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Meeting Notes of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association

December 27, 2010 - Notes by Margaret Schaeffer

A big Thank You to John Padget and Jacob Dekker for hosting our December Meeting!

And to Jon Allen for moderating the meeting!!

There were a number of topics discussed at this meeting:

• Florida Keys Mosquito Control District : Dengue Fever

Coleen Fitzsimmons of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District ( discussed the serious situation Key West faces from Dengue Fever. In 2010 there were 62 reported cased, most of which occurred in the Old Town area. The Dengue virus is transmitted by Aedes aegypti, the most common container breeding mosquito (it breeds in all kinds of open containers, pools, fountains and birdbaths with still water, bromeliads - really anything that could hold standing water). There are 4 types of Dengue Fever, and if you get one you will not be immune to the other three types. And your second exposure to Dengue can be very serious, possibly resulting in the hemorrhagic form.

The mosquito lays its eggs in an open container, and the eggs lay dormant waiting for water to be introduced. The larvae can hatch in 5 days in the summer, and 2 weeks in the winter – therefore they have a very rapid developmental cycle. These mosquitoes are active day biters, preferring to bite humans. Coleen recommends not wearing perfumes and skin creams or any type of makeup that has perfumes added as these will attract the mosquitoes.

The Mosquito Control District has been working on educating the citizens of Key West to make sure they do not have containers with standing water around their home as this is really the only way to rid Key West of the Dengue threat. Brazil accomplished this by fining individuals that did not comply, but the Key West Mosquito Control District does not want to resort to this tactic. In addition they are spraying from a helicopter with Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis), a very safe larvacide that should kill breeding larvae before the summer rains. Once a month Mosquito Control District agents also walk through the Cemetery to put pellets in the open containers at each gravesite to prevent larvae from breeding there.

At home you should not allow water to accumulate in open containers, you should flush your bromeliads once a week with fresh water, you should apply repellents with DEET if you will be spending time outside, and avoid perfumes, etc that might attract the mosquitoes.

If you have a mosquito problem in your yard or from a neighboring yard and need help please feel free to call Coleen at 305-292-7190.

• Waste Management : New Recycling Rules

Margaret Lara of Waste Management discussed the new recycling rules and the Master Plan that will increase city wide recycling (go to for more information). You can now recycle plastics #1-#7, including lids (but lids should be loose); “gable-top” milk and juice containers; “aseptic containers” used for soups, milk and juices; clean aluminum foil and foil containers. Household batteries can be recycled – they should be placed in clear zip-lock type plastic bags, and taped to the outside of the recycling container (in order to be seen by the Waste Management driver). Paints, household cleaning products, pesticides and fertilizers, and electronics must still be brought to the Hazardous Waste Collection Site on Rockland Key (behind Waste Management/ Toppinos) the last Thursday of every quarter (March, June, September and December). For further information on how to dispose of non-recyclables visit the Waste Management website at

• The Studios of Key West

Jay Scott, the Executive Director of The Studios of Key West ( discussed the exciting array of programs, workshops, concerts, etc for the upcoming year at the Studios of Key West. He also gave us an overview of the new Capital Campaign to convert the two houses on Ashe Street (607/609 Ashe Street) donated to the Studios of Key West by the Rodel Foundation into “Artist in Residence” suites and studios. This will enhance the residency program and continue the Studio’s goal to make Key West “a community that is serious about being involved in the creation of art on a national and international level”.

The next Meeting of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association will be on
Monday, January 24th at 5:30pm at the home of Dick and Norma Klein, 524 Frances Street.