Friday, February 17, 2012

FSNA - Meeting Notes - January 23, 2012

A big Thank You to Norma and Dick Klein for hosting our January Meeting.

And to Chuck Sherman for moderating the meeting.

Our first speaker was Mosquito Control District Biologist Coleen Fitzsimmons. Coleen updated us on current dengue mosquito control efforts. The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District is pursuing trials for the release of genetically engineered males in the control of Aedes aegypti, the mosquito responsible for the spread of dengue fever. Due to the difficulty in controlling these mosquitoes, this technology could potentially assist in the reduction of both the mosquitoes and disease in Key West. While the District is still undergoing review from both Federal and State agencies for permitting, they hope that trials can begin in Key West in April 2012.

Coleen explained that these males would pass on an “autocidal” gene that kills their offspring early on in life, thus reducing the Aedes aegypti population. The gene is tetracycline-dependent, and these mosquitoes can only survive in the presence of tetracycline. Studies done in the Caymans showed an 80% reduction in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. This experiment only targets Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, and will not harm the other mosquitoes that live and breed in the Keys, thus not upsetting the balance of nature.

The field trial area, once approved, will cover approximately 6x6 city blocks between the Key West Cemetery and Garrison Bight Marina.

The second speaker was Key West Utilities Manager Jay Gewin who gave us an update on the results of the City's Recycling Study. Jay said the City of Key West has hired Kessler Consulting of Tampa, FL to conduct a Solid Waste Master Plan for the City.

This plan seeks to accomplish the following goals:

  • An analysis of our solid waste and recyclable materials to help us learn the composition of our waste flow.
  • It will also analyze our waste stream by season, and by type of commercial customer. This information can provide insight for billing modifications to help increase recycling.
  • It will also help us quantify what materials aren't being captured for recycling.
  • Recommendations for amendments to the City's existing curbside (solid waste and recycling) and municipal solid waste (MSW) haul-out contracts.
  • These recommendations will include ideas to increase recycling along with remedies for any deficiencies in our solid waste contracts compared with other Florida municipalities.
  • Kessler Consulting will also propose approaches to future contracts/bids to help us achieve our goals for customer service and recycling.
  • A comparison with other municipalities in Florida in regards to our customer fees for services.
  • A staffing analysis of the City's operation of the Solid Waste Transfer Station on Rockland Key that will include opportunities to increase efficiency.
  • A study of the City's solid waste/recycling ordinances that will include recommendations of possible amendments that will help increase our City's recycling rate.
  • Recommendations that will increase our material recovery, and establish a pathway to reach maximum recovery/zero waste. These guidelines will be specific to Key West and our unique geography and community.
  • Assistance with establishing Best Management Practices for the City of Key West in solid waste/recycling.
  • Analysis of our commercial billing structure that could result in a more equitable payment structure among types of businesses, along with incentives for increased recycling.
  • Project outreach including community meetings to help obtain resident and business participation in the study.
  • Creation of a final Strategic Solid Waste Master Plan document, which will be used for staff and City Commission assistance in budgeting, management, and will be available for the public via our website.

Jay indicated the city would eventually go to one pickup per week, with three large cans – one for garbage, one for recycling, and one for yard waste.

Phil Schaeffer made an additional plea for everyone to vote regarding the .5 mil ballot referendum for the Monroe County School Budget. He also reminded everyone about the Charter Review and Redistricting Committee Meeting on Thursday, January 25th at 5 pm at Old City Hall. And he told everyone about the Key West Cemetery Stroll being held on March 24, 2012, where small groups of visitors will be escorted to gravesites where they will meet interpreters who will tell the stories of the deceased in brief monologues. He asked that if anyone is interested in volunteering for this event to please contact him by email at

The next Meeting of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association will be hosted by on Tuesday, February 21, 2012, at the home of Jeremy and Cindy Emmet at 1020 Southard Street at 5:30 pm.

Margaret Schaeffer
for the Frances Street Neighborhood Association

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