Commissioner Jimmy Weekley Announces Traffic Carrying Capacity Workshop
Wednesday, December 14th at 6:30pm
at the Ferry Terminal Meeting Room on the Key West Bight
There will be a presentation and discussion regarding the City's Traffic Carrying Capacity Study.
Everyone is invited to attend and learn of the status of this important effort.
December Meeting of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association Scheduled
At the home of John Padget and Jacob Deckker, 611 Frances St
Tuesday, December 27th at 5:30pm
At the home of John Padget and Jacob Deckker, 611 Frances St
Tuesday, December 27th at 5:30pm
Please join us following the Christmas Holidays for our last meeting of the year! We will send our agenda as a meeting reminder later this month.
Help Needed: We need folks to host our 2012 meetings starting in January. Can you provide us with a venue for the meeting? If you are interested in helping the Neighborhood Association by doing this please contact
Jan Oostdijk-Rutgers for more information and available dates.
Frances Street Neighborhood Association
Meeting Notes - November 15, 2001
A big Thank You to Jay Scott and The Studios of Key West for hosting our November Meeting. And to Chuck Sherman for moderating the meeting.
Before the meeting started, and while there was still light, Jay Scott offered everyone a tour of the newly renovated Residences on Ashe Street to see the progress that has been made. These residences will be used for visiting artists to spend a month in Key West immersing themselves in the community and sharing their talents with us.
Our first speaker was Kim Gable, Extension Agent and University of Florida Horticulturist who spoke to us about the rugose spiraling Whitefly infestation in Key West. Kim explained that this infestation is not limited to the Gumbo Limbo tree, but has infested fruit trees, palms and other ornamental plants and shrubs. However, as annoying as it is, thus far, it has not caused severe plant damage or plant death.
For small plants it is best to wash the plants with a strong stream of water, followed with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil once a week for 3-4 weeks. For larger plants and trees one should again wash the leaves with a strong stream of water. If you decide to use a systemic insecticide, this can be applied as a drench, as a granule or as a tablet. They may take several weeks to be effective but are long lasting (9-12 months). However if used on fruit trees remember you have put a poison into your tree and you cannot safely eat the fruit.
Kim indicated there has been signs of the appearance of natural predators starting to play a part in controlling this infestation and nature may eventually strike a balance in the control of the infestation. Please visit the Monroe County Extension Service website for more information
The second speaker was Phil Schaeffer, who gave a brief update on the upcoming kick-off meeting of the "Historic Key West Cemetery Friends Committee". Phil said that a small group has been meeting with the Sexton to overcome the controversy that arose over the closing of the Frances Street gate. This group is forming the Historic Key West Cemetery Committee whose volunteer members will engage in the enhancement of the Cemetery by Monitoring and Education Programs. Volunteers will be trained as general guides to inform cemetery visitors on the history of the cemetery and its natural environment. The program will focus on the hours when the Sexton is not on duty to provide a visual presence to deter unlawful or negative activities from occurring (weekend days and evening between 5-7 pm). Those who are interested can take it a step further and be trained as docent guides, or help in restoration projects. The first meeting will be Monday, November 21st at the Harrison Gallery at 825 White Street at 530 pm.
Our last speaker was Jay Scott, the Executive Director of The Studios of Key West. Jay told us about all the different opportunities one could take advantage of at The Studios of Key West from classes to concerts to exhibitions. The Studios of Key West is celebrating their Fifth Anniversary in 2012 with a Gala Soiree on February 18th and a Birthday Bash on March 3. For more information on all of these activities please visit their website at
The next Meeting of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association will be hosted by John Padget and Jacob Dekker, 611 Frances Street, on Tuesday, December 27 at 5:30 pm.
Margaret Schaeffer
for the Frances Street Neighborhood Association
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