FSNA Meeting Notes – February 28, 2011
Notes by Margaret SchaefferA big Thank You to
Jan Oostdijk-Rutgers and
George Rutgers-Oostdijk for hosting our February Meeting.
And to
Chuck Sherman for moderating the meeting.
Our first speaker,
Police Chief Donie Lee, gave us an update on the Key West Police Department’s new crime prevention program with residents and businesses. He wants to break down the barriers and have the police talk to the people in the neighborhoods.
This outreach consists of several new programs begun as of January 1:
• Police getting out of their patrol cars and walking the neighborhood for at least an hour a day in order to talk to residents and business owners. He said, “no introverts wanted” on his force. They have to document these visits to prove they are fulfilling this new duty.
• The Mounted Police Unit is now full-time with two Officers on horseback, 7 days a week, patrolling the neighborhoods. Jimmy Weekley later told us the Mounted Patrol won 5 ribbons in a recent competition with seasoned Mounted Patrols from around the state.
• The Police Bike Force has been increased to patrol the neighborhoods.
• He has added one more motorcycle policeman.
• He is gathering data to utilize the police more effectively.
He also discussed the recent break-ins on Frances Street and said they caught two of the burglars and hoped these men were the source of the recent crimes.
Chief Lee encouraged the members to email him with any problems they had in the neighborhood and that he would be quick to act upon these requests.
The second speaker was our
City Commissioner, Jimmy Weekley.
Jimmy started off by saying Donie Lee was the most active Police Chief we have ever had in Key West, and that we were very fortunate to have him as our Police Chief.
He then gave us several community updates:
• The Frances Street Cemetery Gates should soon be open as 5 out of the 6 Commissioners passed his ordinance. There was to be one more reading on March 1 (Update: The Ordinance to keep the Frances Street Gate open except for an hour before or after a funeral was passed at the March 1st Commission Meeting).
• A Residential Parking Ordinance was being worked on. Residents would purchase tags for a minimal fee allowing them to park in Residential parking spaces. These spaces are going to be painted a different color and they will be able to be read from the street side to avoid confusion. Once this is done parking will be strictly enforced by the Parking Patrol.
• The first draft for the Strategic Plan for Key West will be submitted on March 2. Jimmy encouraged everyone to be part of the process. He is planning on holding a District Meeting in March or April to get input from the residents.
• Jimmy discussed the request by Jim Scholl for $6 million from the Federal Government to fund a study to widen the Channel for large ships and indicated he was against this as were several other Commissioners. He felt Key West should try to attract the smaller boutique cruise ships instead of bringing the hordes of passengers that make it unpleasant for locals and tourists alike. (Update: At the March 1stCommission Meeting Jim Scholl was instructed not to include this request for funds to do the study to widen the channel as part of the request for Federal Funds).
• Jimmy discussed the renewal of Jim Scholl’s contract. He said the Commission had several seats up for election and the Commission felt it was better to wait until after the election, and just extend Jim Scholl’s contract for one year. He also felt Jim Scholl would not ask to remain City Manager past 2012.
• Jimmy discussed the Key West Bight Plan and said they intended to make the Bight more inviting to tourists and residents with more lighting, landscaping, and a new plaza. He said a plan by the Half-Shell Raw Bar to build a garage was rejected, as it would obstruct the view of the water.
The Meeting adjourned with a request from Chuck Sherman for some suggestions for topics to discuss at upcoming meetings. He also indicated a petition was available for those concerned with the noise from Leaf Blowers.
The next Meeting of the Frances Street Neighborhood Association will be hosted by Jeremy and Cindy Emmet, 1020 Southard Street, on Monday, March 21st at 5:30pm.
Margaret Schaeffer
for the Frances Street Neighborhood Association