For several months one of our neighbors has led a campaign to get a street light on the 700 block of Frances. It seems that the light was removed because one neighbor complained it was too bright. Never mind that this is a public street and never mind that the block was dark. The area was very dark and a trip hazard because the beautiful mahogany tree has uplifted the sidewalk. The city is working on installing a new sidewalk product that will allow the tree to grow and provide a better sidewalk.
Our last neighborhood meeting at John and Jacob's home on Frances Street was attended by several elected officials and candidates ( yes, of course it is that time of year again) and by our City Manager Jim Scholl. In Key West, the City Manager form of government places the executive decisions of running our city in the hands of the City Manager. If you want something done, he is the man who can make it happen. And happen it did, in record time! Several residents asked the manager to intervene immediately and replace the light. The block is dark and we wanted the area lit for safety.
I was on my way today to show one of my listings and voila, much to my delight, there was the light. Beautiful, industrial, protruding from the pole hovering over our beloved Frances Street...waving a big "hello" to our quiet neighbors across the street at the Cemetery.
Of course I had to go by tonight to see if it really was true. So Harry and I went on our usual evening walk...and wow, there was the light!
Check out the pictures. Isn't it glorious? I guess Harry and I have been living in Key West too long that the sight of a street light should bring such delight. That is one of the joys of living in Key West. Imagine telling someone in New York or Boston or Atlanta that were are going out on a Friday night to look at a street light...they would think we were nuts, but isn't that why we all live here, but I digress.
Indeed one person CAN make a difference. Try it out. Next time you see something in the city you would like changed, don't just complain, but be part of the solution. For example, spend 10 minutes a day sweeping your sidewalk, or helping your elderly neighbor sweep hers; take in your neighbors garbage can if they are out of town, keep an eye out for each other, pick up litter rather than just walking by...you get the picture!
After all, that is what neighbors do and what makes our neighborhood the best place to live in Key West!
For all sorts of good information on Key West please visit my website www.rudymolinet.com